By. Source from NTD News, Sydney, Australia
Imelda Roche, an Australian entrepreneur and billionaire, said she was amazed and spellbound by Shen Yun after watching the classical Chinese dance performance at the Capitol Theatre in Sydney.
“Absolutely wonderful. I’m just being spellbound at the beauty of this presentation,” Ms. Roche said. “They are remarkable. The ability and the balance of these dancers, I’m just spellbound at their control and their agility. It’s amazing.”

Shen Yun showcases 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture, which was said by ancient Chinese people to be “divinely inspired.” Each dance piece is choreographed precisely with Shen Yun’s world-class dancers, a live orchestra, and a state-of-the-art animated backdrop.
“It is incredible. And the technology that’s been applied to have somebody in physical form transformed onto a screen and then up into the Heavens, it’s absolutely amazing,” Ms. Roche said.
John Harriot, the group CEO of DAB Financial Group, said, “I’ve been touched about 15 times already tonight in terms of the messaging. I think there’s such a rich culture and such a rich heritage that should be shared in the modern world today.”
Shen Yun mission is to revive ancient Chinese culture, which was once almost lost after communism seized power in China.
Martin Rogers, CEO of Realise Business, said, “History and cultural history, especially stories, need to be told and shouldn’t be lost. And it’s wonderful that we could experience that. So, I learned something tonight, and anyone coming tonight would learn about the rich cultural history that exists in China, and we saw that.”
Rodney Frost, CEO of the Lamson Group, said: “And I also thought it was amazing that over 1.4 billion people won’t be able to see something like this in China. So that was a real eye-opener for me.”
Audience members were also moved by the contemporary piece on religious persecution in China.
Mr. Rogers said it was really interesting that spiritual beliefs are not allowed in China. “And we saw that story conveyed here tonight,” he said.
Ms. Roche said, “You don’t judge the Chinese people from what you see and hear today from the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). That is a very small segment and an unfortunate one because it doesn’t reflect the true spirit of the Chinese people.”
Mr. Rodgers added: “And what we saw tonight actually was people who actually have a gift, and everyone has a gift, and the gift we saw was in dance and interpretation.”